Saturday, March 1, 2008

Importance of family role models

I still trying to adjust to the fact that my mother ( mami as I call her ) is not physically here. My mother, Noemi was always a role model for me and for numerous generations of students and professionals. Through her example, I learned to challenge my abilities and to reach for higher professional goals.

I am an strong believer in the importance of positive role in forming the personality of children and even the effect of role models in our adult years.

She was an inspiration for my book which I hope will encourage young women to define success in their own terms, to plan for their future and expand their horizons.

Role models leave a legacy by inspiring others to become role models and that is what she did. Each story from the book provides an inspiration to young women to develop their potential and take advantage of opportunities without setting limits to their success.

I was fortunate to have strong positive role models in my family and I would like to continue the legacy.