Saturday, January 17, 2009

Success is Always in Motion

I have new blog "Dots2Connect" where I continue to talk about mentoring and the importance of role models. I believe that mentoring is done through sharing life experiences of success and failures.

Since I first started to write this blog the name of the book had changed. The new name is "Connecting My Dots". Please, check my new blog for updates.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Importance of family role models

I still trying to adjust to the fact that my mother ( mami as I call her ) is not physically here. My mother, Noemi was always a role model for me and for numerous generations of students and professionals. Through her example, I learned to challenge my abilities and to reach for higher professional goals.

I am an strong believer in the importance of positive role in forming the personality of children and even the effect of role models in our adult years.

She was an inspiration for my book which I hope will encourage young women to define success in their own terms, to plan for their future and expand their horizons.

Role models leave a legacy by inspiring others to become role models and that is what she did. Each story from the book provides an inspiration to young women to develop their potential and take advantage of opportunities without setting limits to their success.

I was fortunate to have strong positive role models in my family and I would like to continue the legacy.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

More Progress and Accomplishments

I have news for you. The book is completed. Well at least the first version. I have shared the book with several executive women and look forward to hear their feedback.

However the reason I am writing today is to talk about one successful woman who has been a role model for many women and men. This woman is Noemi Perez Valdes - my mother who was an inspiration and a main contributor to my book.

My mother passed away few hours ago. It breaks my heart that I can just take an airplane and flight home to see her sweet face for the last time. Those of you who have lost their mothers know how difficult this moment is.

In 2003, I wrote my first poem. This poem was dedicated to my mother. I have wrote several other poems, but this poem is by far the best. I thought the best tribute to her is to post the poem in this blog.

Mami este poema es para ti. Tu Hija.

Aquellos Ojos Verdes

Aquellos ojos verdes de belleza impecable,
aquellos ojos verdes de amor y pasión
que llenos de sonrisa ofrecían alegría
aquellos ojos verdes nacieron del dolor.

Violento despertar que dieran la vida
frías espátulas que causaron dolor
al tierno cuerpo de ingenuidad divina
desprendiéndolo del cobijo maternal que lo protegió.

Su rostro,
Un conjunto perfecto de imperfecciones
Iluminado con el esplendor de intensas ilusiones.

Sus ojos,
Fresco manantial de vida y flores
Envuelto en un mantel de amor y pasiones

Su ser,
Una obra maestra de inspiraciones,
una raza vigente de continentes
y robando corazones
una mirada tierna de ojos candentes.

De verde a turquesa va la alegría
de turquesa a gris viene el dolor
y el color va cambiando en armonía
capturando sentimiento e inspiración.

Ni la belleza, la inteligencia o la palabra perspicaz
guiaron su destino entre calles y caminos
distante con pluma errante la suerte estaba marcada
-la maldición de los ojos verdes la llamaba ¡

Burbujas de juventud, vida y deseo
de un alma vagabunda en busca de ilusiones
perdida en un mar brotante de pasiones.

Arrebato de amor y esperanza
resplandor de dicha y fantasía
el sentimiento sublime de ser madre
colmo su corazón con alegrías.

Buscando descanso y armonía
cruzo el camino de los años
pero en la cúspide de la vida
encontró soledad y desengaño.

Cansada de lágrimas y llantos
detrás de un manto de tristeza y agonía
su vista gastada se perdía
en un canto nostálgico sin melodía.

Los pétalos de rosa van cayendo
mientras los cristales del sol se van rompiendo
y la mirada entristecida no desea retornar a la vida.

Los pétalos de rosa van cayendo
de una mano temblorosa y vacía
y con la esperanza perdida
no quiere luchar por la vida.

Vivir sin ver no es vivir ¡
Vivir sin sentir es morir ¡
gritos de un corazón en silencio
que hecha sus lamentos al viento.

Aquellos ojos verdes de mirada radiante,
Aquellos ojos verdes de sonrisa sensual
que con su resplandor iluminaron mi vida
aquellos ojos verdes que no se encenderán más.

Aquellos ojos verdes que perdieron firmeza
y que ya no inspiran deseos de amar,
aquellos ojos verdes con lágrimas y llantos
aquellos ojos verdes que no veré jamás.

Dedicados a mi mamá, Noemí
Mayo 23, 2003

Monday, November 26, 2007


I have made great progress writing the book. Soon I should be done with the first round of editing. Trying to keep momentum which often because difficult. Have shared the lessons with several women and the feedback encourage me more to finish the work.

As more women enter the workforce and obtain leadership roles, Women Issues for reaching success while achieving work and life balance have become important issues in today's society.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Mentoring women is one of my passions and a priority. I see mentoring as a way to give back to my community and an opportunity to provide a role model for women, particularly women from minority groups and young women who need guidance as they plan for an exciting professional career.

The lessons and principles described in my book "Success On Your Own Terms" have been developed with the contribution of executive women with the goal of expanding our sphere of influence and hopping that more women can learn how to apply these lessons in their own terms.

I also want to use this blog as a venue to mentor professional women who are looking to get advice for career, personal and family success.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My motivation for writing a book and hosting this blog is to inspire executive, professional, and young college graduated women to define and achieve success in their careers and personal lives.
Once as a young professional woman I thought that career success would be the main challenge I would have to face and I was ready to focus my energy and strengths into achieving professional excellence. However, life showed me that raising two kids, preserving a cross-cultural marriage for 25 years through two immigrations and numerous hardships could be at least as challenging as achieving career success.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Purpose of this Blog

I am writing this blog, first to introduce my book with the title of "Success On Your Own terms", and second to have an additional venue to share with potential readers on how the book is progressing as well as share the main message and some of highlights from the book as I am writing it.

Several friends, peers and co-workers have read the introduction to my book and they are anxious for the book to be completed.

For now, as a matter of introduction I will tell you that my motivation for writing this book is to inspire professional and young women to define and achieve success in their careers and personal lives.