Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Mentoring women is one of my passions and a priority. I see mentoring as a way to give back to my community and an opportunity to provide a role model for women, particularly women from minority groups and young women who need guidance as they plan for an exciting professional career.

The lessons and principles described in my book "Success On Your Own Terms" have been developed with the contribution of executive women with the goal of expanding our sphere of influence and hopping that more women can learn how to apply these lessons in their own terms.

I also want to use this blog as a venue to mentor professional women who are looking to get advice for career, personal and family success.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My motivation for writing a book and hosting this blog is to inspire executive, professional, and young college graduated women to define and achieve success in their careers and personal lives.
Once as a young professional woman I thought that career success would be the main challenge I would have to face and I was ready to focus my energy and strengths into achieving professional excellence. However, life showed me that raising two kids, preserving a cross-cultural marriage for 25 years through two immigrations and numerous hardships could be at least as challenging as achieving career success.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Purpose of this Blog

I am writing this blog, first to introduce my book with the title of "Success On Your Own terms", and second to have an additional venue to share with potential readers on how the book is progressing as well as share the main message and some of highlights from the book as I am writing it.

Several friends, peers and co-workers have read the introduction to my book and they are anxious for the book to be completed.

For now, as a matter of introduction I will tell you that my motivation for writing this book is to inspire professional and young women to define and achieve success in their careers and personal lives.